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Youth Initiative & Community Leadership

​Background & Purpose


Louang Namtha and Bokeo provinces are in Northern Laos and border on Myanmar (Burma), China and Thailand. Due to the close proximity, many people move between Laos and Thailand looking for work. This is mostly short-term migration, but can result in people staying for months. In addition, the National Route 3 road linking Northern Laos to Thailand and China has led to increased traffic and investment in Northern Laos. Both of these factors have increased the risk to Lao people in regards to HIV/AIDS as migration patterns are known to influence HIV/AIDS transmission, and an increase in the sex trade is seen near new investment areas.

Reliable statistics are not available about the current state of HIV/AIDS in Bokeo and Louang Namtha as systematic tracking does not exist. However, from 1994 to 2009 126 cases of HIV, 86 cases of AIDS and 53 deaths from HIV/AIDS were recorded in Bokeo province, whilst from 2000 to 2009 26 HIV cases, 18 cases of AIDS and eight deaths from HIV/AIDS were recorded in Louang Namtha.

This project would aim to prevent the trafficking of women and youth, reduce the incidence of HIV/AIDS, lower the risk of these illnesses, and mitigate the expansion of a HIV/AIDS epidemic among vulnerable individuals and communities. It aims to create a culture of awareness regarding these issues, as well as a referral system for support.

Proposed Interventions


  • Establishment of local Project Working Teams (PWT) which will use existing PEDA knowledge and data from the Provincial Committee for the Control of AIDS (PCCA) to identify high risk groups and behaviors

  • PWTs to develop tailored messages and activities for identified groups

  • Coordination of quarterly meetings between Bokeo and Louang Namtha PWTs to plan and develop joint interventions

  • Encourage self-reported condom use with non-regular sexual partners

  • Educate to increase safe sex negotiation skills and behaviors

  • Delivery of advocacy by group members and community leaders regarding safe migration and drugs

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Find us: 

Watsop Village
Sisattanak district, Vientiane Capital



© 2014 by PEDA

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