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Get Involved - Partnerships With PEDA

PEDA is an organization focused on building and maintaining strong, long-term relationships. PEDA has an ongoing relationship with GlobeMed - University of Notre Dame and the Australian Volunteers for International Development (AVID) program.


The following pages provide information on current PEDA partnerships, as well as information on opportunities for interns from both Laos and overseas.


GlobeMed - Notre Dame


GlobeMed is a network of students from university-based chapters throughout the United States of America. The aim of GlobeMed is to strengthen the movement for global health equity by empowering students and communities to work together to improve the health of impoverished communities around the world. For more information on the PEDA-GlobeMed relationship click below.


Australian Volunteers for Inernational Development


The AVID program is an Australian Government initiative, working in partnership with Scope Global, Australian Volunteers International and the Australian Red Cross. The program offers a range of opportunities for the Australian community to share skills and foster linkages with people and organisations in developing countries. For more information on the AVID program click below.




PEDA Internships &


Work Experience



Call us:


Find us: 

Watsop Village
Sisattanak district, Vientiane Capital



© 2014 by PEDA

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